Housing for active retired, St Michaels, Tenterden, Kent
Planning permission was granted in 2020 for 12 flats for active retirees linked to the existing hotel and golf facilities including swimming pool, gym and catering. Part of a masterlan to meet local needs providing both resilience for leisure services and high quality housing. The elevations are two and half storey with pitched roof of clay tiles with boarding or standing seam zinc in a dark grey/brown colour for the upper floor walls, light coloured render or brick to lower floor walls. The Golf course, amenity space and allotments provide opportunities for active lifestyles for residents in addition to private terraces. The buildings are positioned between existing trees and hedges careful designed to provide views to landscape amenity space, and to retain existing PV panels for renewable energy. Hedgerows soften the impact of the development on the surrounding landscape as well as providing ecological enhancement. The existing pond to the west, adjacent the golf course, will be used for sustainable surface water attenuation. The buildings are provided with generous covered cycle storage and electric charging points.