Place 54 Architects are currently producing a masterplan for A2 Dominion andT hames Valley Police Authority in consultation and Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Councils. The masterplan provides important connectivity for the NW Bicester Ecotown as a walkable neighbourhood including 1000 true zero carbon homes, secondary and primary schools, local centre community huib with retail and co working.
An Ecotown masterplan led by Gary Young for A2 Dominion and Cherwell District Council regenerating Bicester as a healthy new town with an urban extension for 6000 true zero carbon homes, local centres, education, community, retail & business uses. The exemplar phase for 400 homes is completed winning the One Planet Living award.
Gary Young led the masterplan team which obtained outline planning approval for 8500 homes in 2022. The 750 hectare sustainable Garden Town will provide up to 10,000 homes, businesses and services near Folkestone Kent. The masterplan is connected to public transport and cycle networks linking to high speed rail at Westenhanger railway station. Green and blue infrastructure comprises 50% of the area incorporating significant heritage and natural assets.
A masterplan urban design concept for a sustainable new settlement responsive to place making, well-being and the climate emergency, together providing a zero carbon plan, active travel strategy and housing designed for the future. The landscape masterplan creates food growing opportunities, locally distinctive character, natural landscapes, biodiversity gain and nitrate free water solutions, with governance strategies embedding all phases
Harrington is a newly planned settlement in the Oxfordshire for developer Summix. Place 54 Architects led the masterplan design role with LDN as a collaboration of experts in their fields. The Harrington masterplan will create walkable neighbourhoods, 21st century homes and business premises, fantastic access to nature and community, and all the facilities on hand for people to work, live and relax, minimising travel needs and maximising health and well-being. The proposals are currently being promoted through the Oxfordshires Local Plan consultation process.
Gary Young presented a plan for Greater London 2020 to the London Planning & Development Forum published with Planning in London April 2020. This proposal for a regional spatial plan for local collaboration across the wider region: Densifying and expanding central areas of the city, Reviewing the green belt to protect important nautural assets whilst, extending regional hubs towns and cities, building new settlements and allocating agricultural land for communities to grow food locally .
Place 54 Architects in 2009 created a strategy and design guide for Lambeth Council to provide shopfront improvements. We provided costed feasibility studies for individual shops and groups in a conservation area, working in coordination with commercial advisers.
Masterplan on 30 hectares outline planning approved 1997 for mixed use of 75,000 m2 leisure & retail, 200 residential homes, public realm and station infrastructure for Gazeley Properties, Railtrack & Wilcon Homes. We obtained reserved matters approval for construction completion in 2003
We created the new Station Forecourt public space for pedestrian access and drop off at Norwich Station in 1997-2001 , with a glazed canopy to a new multi storey car park and river bridge crossings integrated through the Riverside development.
Masterplan completed in January 2019 to launch the EZDubai half million sq m E Commerce logistic centre at Al Maktoum International Airport, Dubai, Middle East
Masterplan and designs commenced 2003 for 300,000 m2 logistic warehouse park completed over 20 years, creating high specification logistic platforms incorporating roof mounted PV solar renewable energy, laminated timber structure and creating the brand identity of GPL Gazeley Germany with fading blue elevations.
Place 54 architects have designed the masterplan for a proposed town of up to 6000 homes in Hampshire, with station improvements to exisitng rail infrastructure providing excellent transport connectivity to Winchester, Basingstoke and London. The masterplan includes a mixed use town centre creating walkable neighbourhoods with amenities and employment, a secondary school, two village centres with primary schools and local convenience facilities.