RIBA Tomorrows Garden City competition, completed, Letchworth UK
Two houses completed in 2012 for North Herts Homes selected from 2007 competition Tomorrow’s Garden City. Walls were constructed from timber frame with hemcrete infill using organic materials to reduce embedded carbon emissions. PV solar is installed for renewable energy along with reduce and recycle strategy for waste and water promoting a 21st century vision of the garden city - enabling people to live in communities which are both closely integrated and in harmony with nature. The 30 degree sloping roof could accommodate brown sedum roof finish on aluminium standing seam capable of being retrofitted with additional photovoltaic solar panels.
Client: North Herts Homes
Services: Architecture RIBA stages 1 to 3
Use: Residential, 2 social rent 3 bed houses
Floor area: Approx 105m2 each
Site area: Approx 0.05ha
Cost: Approx £300,000 total
Completed: 2012