Harrington Garden Town Masterplan, Oxfordshire
Harrington is a newly planned settlement in the Oxford- Cambridge Arc for developer Summix. Place 54 Architects have a key masterplan design role with LDN a collaboration of experts in their fields.
The masterplan will support Oxfordshire’s aims to achieve zero-carbon communities, following on from the teams success with A 2 Dominion masterplanning NW Bicester Eco Town awarded Bioregional’s One Planet living status with 400 zero carbon homes now completed.
An important piece of the jigsaw within the Oxfordshire, a world-leading economic area, Harrington is the next logical location for newly planned development strategically located between Oxford and London. The proposals are currently being promoted through the Oxfordshire Local Plan consultation process.
The LDN Collective’s innovative approach brings together a group with diversity and skills responsive to place making, well-being and the climate emergency, together providing a zero carbon plan, active travel strategy and housing designed for the future. The landscape masterplan emphasises food growing opportunities and locally distinctive character created in natural landscapes with governance strategies embedding all phases with biodiversity gain and nitrate free water solutions.
The Harrington masterplan will create walkable neighbourhoods, 21st century homes and business premises, fantastic access to nature and community, and all the facilities on hand for people to work, live and relax, minimising travel needs and maximising health and well-being.
People living in Harrington will be able to walk cycle and electric mobility aids with direct, safe and attractive routes, using a last-half-mile mobility hub with community concierge to keep HGV’s away from residential streets.