Micheldever Station Masterplan
We have produced the masterplan for a proposed town of up to 6000 homes in Hampshire, with existing rail infrastructure providing connectivity to Winchester, Basingstoke and London. The masterplan, submitted for the Local Plan in 2018 and currently being consulted with local authorities, includes station improvements, town centre amenities and employment, a secondary school, two village centres with primary schools and local convenience facilities. Existing landscape character is conserved and enhanced, including tree lined avenues, woodlands and hedgerows. The rolling chalk downland landscape provides opportunities for clusters of development to be located between the existing valleys and ridges with screening from long views, edged by trees, hedgerows and retained farmland. A network of cycleways and footpaths provides sustainable travel between homes, railway station and local centres. Public transport is focused on the existing railway station in the centre of the development with enhanced bus service linking to Winchester and Basingstoke.