Masterplan urban design concept for a sustainable new settlement
A masterplan urban design concept for a sustainable new settlement responsive to place making, well-being and the climate emergency, together providing a zero carbon plan, active travel strategy and housing designed for the future. The landscape masterplan creates food growing opportunities, locally distinctive character, natural landscapes, biodiversity gain and nitrate free water solutions, with governance strategies embedding all phases
The masterplan proposes a high density urban scale district in the centre based on traditional street blocks which will create an opportunity for a social hub with n intimate and vibrant character. Public transport routes are planned to avoid wider streets crossing through the central area, whilst ensuring this area has convenient access.
Walkable neighbourhoods enable people living in the settlement to walk and cycle with electric mobility aids and direct, safe and attractive routes, using a last-half-mile mobility hub with community concierge to keep HGV’s away from residential streets.

The masterplan creates a place which integrates green corridors to link to surrounding nature and provides cycleways, sports pitches, riverside nature areas and habitats. Integrating with the existing community and surrounding landscapes, the masterplan provides new homes and employment facilities within a walkable neighbourhood creating a strong community infrastructure that achieves the highest level of sustainability. The masterplan central area provides convenience shopping, leisure, restaurants, nurseries and co working space for SME's with flats above. A walkable neighbourhood design and local amenities provide containment of trips which is the most significant contribution in achieving sustainable travel along with subsidised bus service, segregated cycle paths, electric vehicle charging and car club.
Public transport is woven into the masterplan with interchange at mobility hubs between the Light Rapid transit (LRT) and Personal Rapid Transit (PRT). The proposed Light Rapid transit (LRT) loop is provided with stops at 600-700m centres and the proposed loop is extended to place the stops with all areas of the masterplan within 350m which is a 5 minute walk.
The Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) would operate using transit pods stored in the proposed mobility hubs which are in proposed locations close to car parks. The PRT would provide numerous routes direct to destinations which are more dispersed, using a range of pods sized to allow access through the narrow streets of the central core area. The combination of PRT, LRT and metro would provide a comprehensive accessibility network which is responsive to the climate and destinations in the masterplan.